You were led here for a reason. Coincidence is manmade, whereas, guidance is from The Lord God. Therefore focus on you and ask our Lord God what you need here today...
Step 1: Discover Him
How do we develop a relation with someone we might not truly know about? Through the books you'll learn about The Lord God in ways you never have before, so that you can better work through your relationship with Him.
Step 2: Stay Connected To Him
Step 3: Learn how To Evolve With Him
Learning about The Lord God, praying to Him and praising Him are wonderful but when it is not done consistently, we separate from Him. Through the Journal, actively stay connected to The Lord God.
The Lord God has methods that will help us deal with challenges unlike never before when we first tried to do it our way. A mind like Christ is all we need. Find out how to obtain it through the station of the cross.
Develop Your Relationship With the Lord in wAYS pERSONAL TO You...
"Sow righteousness for yourselves,...for it is time to seek the Lord" (Hosea 10:12)
The Journal
(enhance your closeness with The lord gOD)
"Faith without works is dead" (James 2:26). Developing and maintaining a relationship with our Lord God requires both faith and work. It can be hard, but He gives us practical tools to use daily so that it gets much easier over time.
Product Catalogue
The Mind Like Christ (The 14 Stations)
Our Lord Jesus came to the earth to save us from sin, but also to show us how to live a righteous life. How do we do that in a world full of challenges and problems in every corner of our lives, all that while maintaining positivity.
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105)

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God Is Calling You To Him: It's time to know your Father...
Father God Tells His Men "Be Bold":To receive blessings from our Heavenly Father has for you, you must...
Our Heavenly Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit of God has a message for you. We are all the Lord's children and are called to connect with Him, grow and maintain our relationship with Him. Find out what He wants to tell you...
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