Our Lord God delivers messages that will take you away from the world and everything it has that caused you to be unhappy. Any trauma, regrets, sorrow will all be replaced by fullness of life (The Holy Spirit) that brings joy, peace, fruitfulness and abundance in all areas of your lives. Discover how our Lord God wants you to make that transition using all the resources available below. He will guide you on which one(s) you need the most.
A Mind Like Christ (14 Stations of The Cross)
Our Lord Jesus came to show us how we should live life on earth. Most people think He had it easy because He is God when in fact it's the contrary. He had it extremely hard, but our Savior did all that for a reason . To show us that in difficulties, we can still make it to the end and rejoice, for the darkness always makes way for the light to rise. Find out how He dealt with challenges and how you too can...
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